A section of Blue Spring Creek that flows through Blue Spring Creek Conservation Area.
Description of Water
Blue Spring Creek in Crawford County is spring-fed, and 5 to 20 feet wide. Backcasting room is not easy to find, but those who can negotiate the tight quarters may be rewarded with wild Rainbow Trout. The drought years of the past have taken its toll on this stream, but there still are trout in this stream. When wading this stream please take note of any spawing redds and tread around the area. This It is state-owned for its entire length downstream of the Salvation Army Camp to its junction with the Meramec River.
Popular Access Points
1. Blue Spring Creek Rd. Walk-In Access (Google Earth Download) (Garmin Waypoint Download)
2. Hwy N Walk-In Access (Google Earth Download) (Garmin Waypoint Download)
Maps of Stream
USGS Stream Flow Data
- There are no USGS Stream Gauges on this stream at this time.
Recommended Fly Patterns
- Mohair Leech (Size: #10)(Color: Olive or Brown)
- Tungsten BH V-Rib Midge (Size: 18)(Color: Olive or Red)
- Griffith’s Gnat (Size: #20)(Color: Black)
Stream Specific Links