This shot was taking on a bluebird sky day while floating the White River. I was laying flat on my back in the bottom of an aluminum jon boat to get the silhouette shot of Evan Muskopf. Here he is seen loading his fly rod while throwing big streamers on the White River during a fall float. It was a long day, and no hogs were caught in the taking of this photo.
Tag Archives: Photography
This Is Fly — Issue # 21 is Out
I wonder if Catch Magazine, This is Fly, and Fish Can’t Read wouldn’t be better served if they would stagger the release dates of their publications. January 2010 also brought about a new issue of This is Fly. Had I not already read Catch, I would have thought that this was another solid issue, and in most cases it was — but the online publications have already fallen to the trap of similiar stories in competing publications (e.g. the January issues of This is Fly and Catch both feature a story on Tasmania). I still find that the photography in Catch is just a step above This is Fly, but I think that both are flights above print magazines. At any rate, this issue of This Is Fly is another solid effort, but i find myself starting to lose interest in the really clever advertisements and well-shot product photos. Is it possible that there is just TOO much and it is just TOO busy. Maybe…..I wonder if I am getting older, or if too much advertising is actually a bad thing.
At any rate, this issue of This is Fly did a remarkably well job of reminding me of those places which I will probably never get a chance to fish and in that aspect it did its job well….keeping me dreaming. You can check out the latest issue of This is Fly here.
Catch Magazine — Issue # 9 is Out
You go and spend two days on the Niangua River to ring in the New Year with your wife and kids, and while you are away from the Internet, Brian O’ Keefe and Todd Moen do it again by releasing another truly inspiring issue of Catch Magazine. This online publication is the real deal, when it comes to photography and videography for fly-fishing.
The “El Dorado” video by Todd Moen is what fly-fishing videos are supposed to be. Well shot, and a great watch. The feature about shooting in the snow reminded me of some of my favorite black and white shots (taken in the snow), and really had me hoping for a heavy snow fall (something we haven’t seen yet in St. Louis). Chris Short was the featured “new” photographer in this issue, although he has and does continue to do alot of product shots for FF’ing manufacturers. His shots are clean and good. But the feature that stole it for me was that by Brad Harris on fishing Tasmania, there are some great shots there with some serious good lighting. All in all, another fabulous issue, check it out here.
The Sepia Files (Week 6)
Brian Wise and his son Parker during a successful trip to Dry Run Creek. Parker is really coming into his own as a fly-fisherman and knows how and when to mend line when fishing now (at 6 years old).
The Sepia Files (Week 5)
Brian Greer is seen putting his ninja like skills to use while fishing a southern Missouri spring creek during the winter. The smaller Missouri streams often require a stealthy approach for success.